So far i like it. we have fake hurricanes. grocery stores have price per unit of everything. i know how much orbit gum costs per 100 pieces. they dont like coffee without alcohol in it. pizza places are as common as cafes. there are no cafes. there is wi-fi in bars and pizza places. i need to study with a beer not a coffee.
i am already excited for winter. its a bit hot right now. but i am okay with it knowing that fall is just around the corner. I also feel like i went back in time slightly. I am in a classroom. I like that. I haven't been in a lecture hall since 2008.
So, maybe i am way off, but i think people in boston drink as many beers during the day as a person in seattle drinks coffee. the day i arrived i went to brunch with a friend and a bunch of her friends. seems how i flew out on the red eye, and i somehow lucked boxed my way to Boston on time, i was a little tired. i ordered a double espresso and a sandwich. the waitress asked me what shot i wanted in it, and i was confused. she asked again if i was sure i didn't want any bailys or anything. first cup of coffee of the day. i guess here i should just wake up with some blood and mary's.
well this post is pretty boring. way to informative and not interesting. but i should probably try to do something constructive from the futon of the living room of this apartment.