one man came from a far away land for a journey in my home land.
we met 3 years ago at this super important accounting conference; the USA man, myself, and the Korean prodigy, him. two men on their ways to being the accountants of tomorrow. i was lucky enough to study in the prodigies home land for two years where our friendship blossomed and grew. I returned home in search of some fake success which the system tells me is important. again we are the accountants of tomorrow! i am on the brink of more education while he is solving all the M&A needs of his land.
Although he is very busy, always working hard to solve the problems of tomorrow, he ran into a sudden vacation. i got word on friday and i was at seatac airport picking him up on sunday. it was great.
we both had this burning bitterness burning deep within ourselves and felt the need to suck it from our bodies and blood. so we did the thing that most smart men do. we drank it out. you see, by adding poison to our already poisoned bodies, we can cure ourselves. unfortunately the poison was too deep for the normal methods known to smart men.
we finally arrived on the only next logical choice for smart men. we chose to go on some sort of spiritual excursion. the excursion to find some peacefulness in this world where we see to many faces everyday. we wanted an escape from all that we knew and hated within the dirty fake system which we wanted and want to strive in so badly.
by wed we were gone. our bags stacked up bearing all the essentials of a spiritual journey.
we drove for around 2 hours, because real journeys of the spiritual sort, start with long drives. although we wanted to go further away, snow was a problem. many of the high peaks had too much snow to get too. we finally arrived, and had begun the journey to find truth.
before not too long we reached the first stream to cross. we rested while drinking some water. our 40 lb packs were starting to eat into our shoulders, but we would soon forget how to feel pain. we crossed the first stream with ease and continued on our long long path to the top.
we crossed about 7 more streams along the way. we weaved too and from and each time we found water we grew happy to find a friend. we hiked up the mountain listening only to the songs which the birds provided. we would converse about our past times at times, although not often. and sometimes we would ask some sort of philosophical question which had no answer in the fake world.
we were also blessed with the hottest day of the year, the sun was out in its golden beautiful form. about 6 hours in we reached a river. at this point we were delirious. we had climbed for 6 long hours. the mosquitoes were getting the best of us. we were loosing to nature. but our will to find something real was our top priority. we were willing to risk it all. we had to cross the river. we had no gear to do so. so we did what smart men do best. we took off our pants. took off our shoes. and we were ready for action.
the river was much stronger then we anticipated, and reaching the midpoint was when we realized we had made a terrible mistake. one slip and we were gone; we would have lost trying to find truth.
we had about 40 feet left to the other side, or 40 feet to return home. it was late already, and turning back was not an option. we somehow went through this dance of words without actually speaking to each other. we just stood, still in belly button deep water, in the middle of the river, and then after a long pause we continued on looking for victory.
with the help from a secret place, we reached the other side. as we put back on our pants, we somehow felt refreshed and real. we had accomplished this greatness. we had toyed with failure and won. we were so close to seeing the end of the road.
we had arrived. and we were the only ones to make it. we had reached the final destination. we had won. we had endured all which no other human could on this Wednesday night. we had the lake of truth to ourselves. we had rid ourselves of the system.
although our bodies ached, and we started to feel the pain which we put our bodies through for the previous 7 hours of labor, we knew what time it was. it was time to drink the victory brew. although our packs were heavy we had two special treats for ourselves. 4 brews and a secret power yielding food full of everything that we needed.
after our victory drinks we set up camp before it got to dark. we gathered enough wood to make a nice warming fire where we would toss all the trash and dirt from our minds; the grim that festered deep within our minds, hidden in the basements of our heads.
as we sat silently watching the fire and slowly ridding our bodies of the poison which the fake world had infected us with, the night was approaching.
it was time to replenish our bodies with the powerful nutrients from the truthful world. we got some of the magical alpine lake water, and boiled it on the fire.
we opened our last two brews, and we ate the first meal of our new lives. 짜파게티!
we then gazed at the stars, took in the warmth of the fire which had burned away the evil, and watched the lake as the night took everything back into its breath of darkness.
we finally slept.
when we woke, we took one last look at the lake which gave birth to two new people.
pointed to the mountain tops which gave birth the the lake which in turn gave birth to us and said our goodbyes.
then the two men headed back down the mountain.